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Similar Differences

A few weeks ago, we of both F.E. Madill and JHK answered a bunch of questions for an interest survey Mrs. D set up. There were questions like “What’s your favourite video game?” and “If you had one wish, what would it be?”. Then last week, we all went to look at the spreadsheet she made with all of our answers to the questions.

Now we’ve been given the assignment to look at who’s similar to us, and who’s different. As I looked at the answers by the students of the other school, there were a lot more differences between a lot of them and me, than similarities. That was kind of expected though, because I AM kind of a strange child. c; I’m that girl who likes to stay inside and play Minecraft all day while Skyping with her best friend who lives a whole 2 minutes away, and other friends who live as close as Maine or as far as Ireland. Cx

So, I saw a couple of people who were at least kind of similar. Of course, everyone brushes their teeth. Most people brush twice a day, according to the survey. I saw that Brayden likes Two & A Half Men, which I think is an awesome show too. Not the same without Charlie, but it’s still pretty funny. He also wrote that he likes working with us in Snow Lake, just like I enjoy working with the people in Wingham. Another person with a couple of similarities is William. We both like Minecraft, and both of our favourite websites are Facebook and YouTube. I also saw that he’s a Bro. *BROFIST*

If you’ve ever watched PewDiePie play Amnesia, you’ll understand. C:

There were a lot of differences between myself and a lot of people, though. I only found one person, even including Snow Lake, whose favourite video game is Minecraft. I only know one person who loves it as much as I do, though… I also didn’t see many people with the same favourite sports. Not many people play an instrument either, although I did see one or two people who play guitar, and I think I saw a couple who play drums.

We’re not all similar, or different, from each other though. We all have similarities with at least a few people. That’s the beauty of meeting new people, you get to meet a lot of cool people with similar interests as you. That’s one thing I love about playing Minecraft online, actually. I’ve met a lot of my best friends there. :)

Well, that’s a few similarities and differences between myself and some of the Wingham students. ^.^